My papers - Ron Gould (Still under construction, more later.)

52. Generalized degree sums and hamiltonian graphs, [paper52 1993]

53. A note on isomorphic subgraphs, [paper53 1993]

54. Neighborhood unions and the cycle cover number of a graph, [paper54 1994]

55. On hamiltonian-connected graphs, [paper55 1994]

56. Generalized degrees and short even cycles, [paper56 1994]

57. Degree conditions and cycle extendability, [paper57 1995]

58. Generalized degree conditions for graphs with bounded independence number, [paper58 1995]

59. Extremal graphs for intersecting triangles, [paper59 1995]

60. Problems involving paths and cycles in graphs, [paper60 1995]

61. Hamiltonicity of balanced k-partite graphs, [paper61 1995]

62. Spanning caterpillars with bounded diameter, [paper62 1995]

63. Forbidden triples of subgraphs and traceability, [paper63 1995]

64. Forbidden subgraphs and pancyclicity, [paper64 1995]

65. On p-intersection representations, [paper65 1996]

66. Graph spectra, [paper66 1996]

67. Extremal theory for cliques in graphs, [paper67 1996]

68. Degree conditions for 2-factors, [paper68 1997]

69. Characterizing forbidden pairs for hamiltonian properties, [paper69 1997]

70. Intersections of longest cycles in k-connected graphs, [paper70 1998]

71. Traceability in graphs with forbidden triples of subgraphs, [paper71 1998]

72, On 2-factors containing $1$-factors in bipartite graphs, [paper72 1999]

73. A note on cycles in 2-factors of line graphs, [paper73 1999]

74. On the Structure of Ryjacek-closed {K_{1,3}, N_2}-free graphs, [paper74 1999]

75. On G-potential degree sequences, [paper75 1999]

76. On k-linked graphs, [paper76 1999]

77. Forbidden triples and traceable traphs: A characterization, [paper77 1999]

78. Short cycles in hamiltonian graphs, [paper78 2000]

79. On k-ordered graphs, [paper79 2000]

80. Cycles in 2-factors of balanced bipartite graphs, [paper80 2000]

81. Hamiltonian connected graphs involving forbidden subgraphs, [paper81 2000]

82. Cycles in 2-factors of claw-free graphs, [paper82 2000]

83. The structure of {K_{1,3}, Z_2}-free graphs, [paper83 2000]

84. Complete families of graphs, with R.J.Faudree, M.S. Jacobson and [paper84 2001]

85. Two-factors with few cycles in claw-free graphs, [paper85 2001]

86. Results on degrees and the structure of 2-factors, [paper86 2001]

87. Path spectra and forbidden families, [paper87 2001]

88. Edge disjoint monochromatic triangles in 2-colored graphs, [paper88 2001]

89. Partitioning the vertices of a tournament into independent cycles, [paper89 2001]

90. 2-Factors and forbidden subgraphs [paper90 2001]

91. Characterizing forbidden clawless triples implying hamiltonian graphs, [paper91 2002]

92. On graph irregularity strength, with A. Freize, [paper92 2002]

93. A note on cycle lengths in graphs, [paper93 2002]

94. Pancyclicity in claw-free graphs, [paper94 2002]

95. Spanning tree edge densities, [paper95 2002]

96. Degree conditions for k-ordered graphs, [paper96 2003]

97. Advances on the hamiltonian problem: A survey, [paper97 2003]

98. On k-ordered bipartite graphs, with J. Faudree, [paper98 2003]

99. Graph connectivity after path removal, [paper99 2003]

100. Extremal graphs for intersecting cliques, [paper100 2003]