
Using SVD for restorations.

If a blurring function is separable, then it is feasible to use methods based on the singular value decomposition (SVD). Although RestoreTools includes some of these capabilities, we are still in the process of making improvements. In any case, if you want to try some SVD based methods, the examples below show some things you can do. These instructions assume: The example data Text.mat can be used to try this; simply load the data first:

>> load Text

Note though, that if your PSF is not separable, then a separable approximation is constructed. The quality of the restorations will depend in part on how close the PSF is to being separable. The blur in Text.mat is separable, so the approaches outlined below should work well. You can also use different boundary conditions as well, such as 'periodic' or 'reflexive', when construction A (see paper for some examples).

Truncated SVD Example.
Once b and PSF are available, you can use the truncated singular value decomposition in image restoration as follows:

>> A = psfMatrix(PSF);
>> [U,S,V] = svd(A, b);
>> tol = GCVforSVD(S, U'*b);

This will produce a plot with some information about the truncation tolerance, tol. If it doesn't look like an appropriate tolerance, you'll need to make another choice. Assuming it looks okay, you can get a restoration as follows:

>> x = TSVD(U, S, V, b, tol);
>> imshow(x,[])

Tikonov Example.
If you want to try Tikhonov regularization (with the identity matrix as the regularization operator), then you can use:

>> A = psfMatrix(PSF);
>> x = Tikhonov(A, b);

The Tikhonov regularization parameter is chosen using the generalized cross validation method. If you prefer to choose your own regularization parameter, then you can use:

>> x = Tikhonov(A, b, alpha);