I am currently a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Emory University. Previously I got my PhD from Georgia Tech. Here is my CV.

Contact Information

Office: MSC E427
email: lshu5 (at) emory.edu
400 Dowman Drive
Suite W401
Atlanta, GA 30322

Research Interests

Dynamical systems, isospectral transformations of multidimensional systems and networks, mathematical biology

Published Papers

  1. Leonid Bunimovich, Longmei Shu, Generalized Eigenvectors of Isospectral Transformations, Spectral Equivalence and Reconstruction of Original Networks, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2018
  2. Leonid Bunimovich, Longmei Shu, On Attractors of Isospectral Compressions of Networks, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Springer, 2018
  3. Leonid Bunimovich, Longmei Shu, Local Immunodeficiency: Minimal Networks and Stability, Mathematical Biosciences, 2019
  4. Leonid Bunimovich, Longmei Shu, Local Immunodeficiency: Role of Neutral Viruses, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2020